You have to Look up to get Grounded

Nothing to Hide









Glas Kupfer

Innen und Aussen


Der Anfang

Intotheblack 01 + 02

Intotheblack 02

Intotheblack 01

InsideOut – The Coronet Theatre London

Galaxies 08

Galaxies 07

Galaxies 06

Galaxies 05

Loop Galaxies 1-4



Galaxy 0

Körpergehäuse/Animated Body

Desert Flights



Alienated, Kaja Clara Joo, Hans Kupelwieser, Rita Nowak, Manfred Wakolbinger, Smolka Contemporary

Design Days – Kunst im Park, Grafenegg

KOMBI, Manfred Wakolbinger & Leopold Kogler, Kunstverein Mistelbach

look & listen, L.art GALERIE, Salzburg

PARALLEL im Park, Toscanapark, Gmunden

Heimische Perlengeheimnisse/Vitrineninstallation – Kefermarkt, Perg

Mosbacher/Wakolbinger/Ehrlich-Speiser – L.art GALERIE Salzburg

Menage – Kunstraumarcade, Mödling

Open Air – Schlossmuseum OÖ, Linz/Donau

Tongues – Smolka Contemporary, Wien

stop-over – Kunsthaus Mürz, Mürzzuschlag

Einzelpräsentation- Smolka Contemporary, Wien

Inhale – Exhale – Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig

Kunstparcour Millstatt – Floss im Millstätter See und Villa am Kap

Kontinuität und Brüche – Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus

verbindet – pulsiert – ermöglicht – Galerie Forum, Wels

Blickachsen 11 – Skulpturen in Bad Homburg und Frankfurt RheinMain

Andere Welten – Eva Schlegel und Manfred Wakolbinger – Grenzkunst-Halle, Jennersdorf

Wasteland – Galerie Artemons Contemporary, Hellmonsödt

Vienna for Art’s Sake! – Winterpalais des Belvederes, Wien

4muerz2beat – Kunsthaus Mürz, Mürzzuschlag

Placements + Galaxies – Kunsthaus Saalfelden

Up from the Skies – ZEIT KUNST Niederösterreich, Krems

Franz Graf, Eva Schlegel, Manfred Wakolbinger – Galerie Fotohof

Austria Davaj! Der Gipfel des kreativen Österreichs – Schusev State Museum, Moskau

Verbeugung – Kirche St. Wolfgang

Einzelpräsentation – Stadtgalerie Klagenfurt

Einzelpräsentation – Hipphalle, Gmunden

Strömung – Museum Kuppersmühle Duisburg

Sputnik – 20er Haus & Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien

La Coesistenza dell’ Arte – Biennale di Venezia

Einzelpräsentation – Galerie Gritta Insam, Wien

Einzelpräsentation – Museum Moderner Kunst, Palais Liechtenstein, Wien

Einzelpräsentation – Galerie Gritta Insam, Wien

documenta8, Kassel

Bridge – Millstätter See

Jump2020 – Wien

M – Münchendorf

Landing – Graz

art_box Museumsquartier

Stampede – Neuhaus/Museum Liaunig

Circulations – Wien

Giardini – Graz

Voyage – Neunkirchen

Chat – Wien

Cloud – Wiener Neustadt

Connection – Salzburg

Bench and Gate – St. Pölten

Lightning – Wien

Rendez-Vous – Leobersdorf

Receiver – St. Pölten

Transformator – Linz

Ohne Titel – Perg

Ohne Titel – Krems Stein

Ohne Titel – Wien

Ohne Titel – Wien

Ohne Titel Linz

Die Eroberung – Wien

Ohne Titel

Three Staele with Different Head Parts

Unterwasser Buecher

Loos Trinkglas

Bücher Coverfotos

Kirchenglocken in Perg

Minioper Inside Out

Schausammlung Museum für angewandte Kunst (MAK), Wien
The Beauty of Darkness
I saw a spiral galaxy in the constellation of Coma Berenices, an unremarkable part of the sky that had been named after a pharaoh’s wife by the Greek astronomer Conon of Samos in the third century BCE. Berenice had sworn to sacrifice her shimmering golden hair if her husband came back unscathed from his war against the Assyrians. The pharaoh returned triumphant, and Berenice laid her severed skeins of hair at the feet of a statue of the goddess of love. When her offering disappeared overnight, the Greek court astronomer showed the furious pharaoh, who believed the hair had been stolen, three stars in the following night’s sky and said that the goddess Aphrodite had turned his queen’s offering of golden hair into those stars.
Peter LiaunigRede Menage
Manfred Wakolbinger's gaze since his childhood has been directed outward and upward. He was fascinated by the first satellite Sputnik and wanted and still wants to know how far the human influence reaches. Manfred is first and foremost a self-educated sculptor. He gained his first experience in tool machining and tool making and even though he evolved his artistic ideas and sculptures in the 1980ies, he never resigned from the technical component. His entities are precisely constructed, are built. Thus he is a sculptor who creates his sculptures from his favorite material. In the beginning, they were monolithic sculptures that were almost hermetically sealed with their rough, concrete-like surface.
Jasper SharpTalk with Manfred Wakolbinger
J Perhaps we should talk about the title “Inhale Exhale”. M Breathing – something truly essential … J … for all of us … M … Yes, nothing happens without it. Sometimes when I’m on a diving expedition, I find myself watching the air bubbles from people’s breathing as they head up towards the surface. It’s interesting when our breathing takes on a visible shape since the whole thing happens under pressure, deep down. And as the bubbles rise, the pressure decreases and they expand, they change shape, then burst and suddenly become something completely new. The air is in water, an element that’s attracted by similar molecules. This attraction creates very impressive changes and transformations. ( Nr. 1 ) But as soon as this has happened, the shape disperses and is gone. This disappearance and dispersal is about life and death.
Manfred WakolbingerUnder the Surface
When David Cameron uses his experiences from the deep sea dives to the wreck of Titanic to inform the fantastic images of another world in AVATAR, he employs a commonly used device: Images and beings from the underwater world are transmitted through the eye into our inner self and transform into a distant intergalactic world. Our desire for knowledge about deep remote space is at once satisfied and stimulated with images of landscapes and creatures from a world the water’s surface separates from us.
August RuhsAs if it fell to Earth
Particularly in his more recent works, in which peopled and unpeopled landscapes, photography and sculpture are inextricably linked and interwoven, Manfred Wakolbinger touches upon the tireless question of the essence and appearance of categorical givens, which in the subject area at hand refer above all to the concepts of reality and fiction, illusion and reality, image and language, thing and object. For on closer inspection the matter-of-course way the images present the assemblage of their heterogeneous elements as a homogenous whole here is revealed as illusory; a game of intended deception and montage.
Brigitte HuckUp from the Skies
Universalism and spirituality were already exorcised from the Dominican Church in Krems by Josef II in 1786: since its secularization, the gothic hall has been used as a meeting place for state parliaments, as a warehouse and factory, then as a theater and cinema. The newly founded Landesgalerie für zeitgenössische Kunst is now responsible for a promising exhibition program in the spectacular rooms.
Alexandra SchantlTalk with Manfred Wakolbinger
AS: Given that the exhibition currently being held in the context of ZEIT KUNST NIEDER.STERREICH offers an insight into the last three decades of your artistic work, I would first be interested to know what made you want to become an artist. Was there a particular moment in your life when you said, yes, that’s it, that’s what I want to do?
Peter NoeverBelow Point Zero of Art
Is it a bottom view that Manfred Wakolbinger draws his creative power from? Or perhaps just a bottom memory? Indeed, his previous work already comprises a number of motifs that might be read and reappraised as reflecting subaquatic impressions, notably so against the background of his most recent underwater photography. These motifs include not only the subject of containment that keeps reappearing in endless variations, but also the dream of an infinite volume, of the mutual permeation of form and content.
David EspinosaSeven–Tenths Inspiration, Three–Tenths Fascination
Seven-tenths of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. It’s a hum-bling thought, even more staggering when you consider scientists estimate we have only scratched the surface of exploring our planet’s lakes and rivers, oceans and seas. But while it’s true we know so little, we already know so much. I know this may sound confusing, but bear in mind that hundreds of thousands of scuba divers are certified each year because we do know the underwater world is something entirely special.
Elisabeth SchlebrüggeClose to the Surface
Is it ever possible to have enough of the sea? Saturated, the reservoir of a summer which has to last a whole year. Days spent on stones, encrusted with salt, night-time imagery seen with closed eyes, the sea, which pushes its way into narrow cracks and channels. Sea tomatoes, compact ball form, firey red or a bouquet of flames unfolding, balunids, hidden crabs, rock shells wandering over the grown-over rocks, “crab on a rock,” you cried in your sleep.
Rainer FuchsEmbodiments of space
The body of the sculpture, broken up or opened, with its center laid bare and accentuated as an open and hollow interior plays a central role in Wakolbinger’s œuvre. Thus, he undermines the notion that sculpture is about compact and static volumes while taking into account that it is bound to space. His concrete sculptures of the eighties, with inset elements of copper sheet, offered hidden beauty and preciousness. Their shell structures i.a. pointed to the act of enveloping space and to space being enveloped as a theme of sculpture.
Lóránd HegyiSculpture as an objectification of relationality
The strategies intrinsic to form as expressed in the sculptural shapes of Manfred Wakolbinger’s œuvre are determined by the dialectic theme of how physically material and sensorily empirical processes of perception can be relativized or seen as something absolute. Seeing material, empirical moments as absolute does not only denote an immediate, bodily and haptic encounter, a quasi-“corporeal” relation with the sculptural phenomenon but also an inexorable confrontation with the highly sensual connotations, sometimes even bordering on the sexual, which evolve through the strong presence of the material properties of the shapes.
Hans-Werner SchmidtWakolbinger’s Art Figures
In the Sunshine is the title of one of Manfred Wakolbinger’s sculptures from 1984. It is an ensemble of presented and pœresenting elements: an interplay of free forms vaguely reminiscent of human figures and a supporting construction which also articulates itself as a carrier of meaning. Two copper elements combine to form a figure. An angular piece which supports a cogwheel-like shape, and a semicircle above a long flat element give rise to the image of a reclining figure in a relaxed pose.
Brigitte HuckSputniks, UFOs and other extraterrestrials
During the night of October 4, 1957, a radio report reminiscent of Orson Welles’s exploits announced that Sputnik would pass over Austria. The entire population of Mitterkirchen, a small place in Upper Austria, was out and about, scanning the sky for the spaceship in orbit. Nobody actually caught a glimpse of it, but the collective fascination with the mystery of technology was a rite of passage for Manfred Wakolbinger, five years old then.
Peter SloterdijkPoetics of Detachment
Ladies and Gentlemen. Were we to be on the banks of the Ganges my task here today would probably be easier. I would then not need to offer an involved explanation of a philosophical concept of existence, would not have to endeavor to set out a phenomenological description of our being-in-the-world, I would not have to elaborate on how the Latin word existence reflects the Greek word ecstasy, I would not need to make many remarks on the foundation of the ecstatic in the everyday and of the everyday in the ecstatic, and I would also not need to always speak so unnaturally clearly to ensure the recording experts from Indian TV were kept happy.
Stuart MorganThe limits of selfhood
Inside a white gallery the visitor moves and stops, approaches, withdraws and circles. The forms on display encourage physical encounter, but this is discouraged again by materials – that blank, substantial concrete and, in a different way, by the slivers of sheet metal it surrounds. The move from concrete to copper, cool to warm, marks a shift from body language to sheer optical sensation. As the bipartite structure plays or the relation between whole and part, tensions are established between what can be grasped and how literally metaphors of touch may be construed.

Bridge – Millstätter See

Out of the Blue

Alienated, Kaja Clara Joo, Hans Kupelwieser, Rita Nowak, Manfred Wakolbinger, Smolka Contemporary

You have to Look up to get Grounded

Design Days – Kunst im Park, Grafenegg

Intotheblack 01 + 02

Intotheblack 02

Intotheblack 01

KOMBI, Manfred Wakolbinger & Leopold Kogler, Kunstverein Mistelbach

look & listen, L.art GALERIE, Salzburg

PARALLEL im Park, Toscanapark, Gmunden

Connection – Salzburg

Heimische Perlengeheimnisse/Vitrineninstallation – Kefermarkt, Perg

Fly High

Mosbacher/Wakolbinger/Ehrlich-Speiser – L.art GALERIE Salzburg
Christoph Ransmayr
The Beauty of Darkness
Peter Liaunig
Rede Menage


Unterwasser Buecher

Loos Trinkglas

Bücher Coverfotos


Kirchenglocken in Perg

Menage – Kunstraumarcade, Mödling

InsideOut – The Coronet Theatre London

Jump2020 – Wien

Open Air – Schlossmuseum OÖ, Linz/Donau
Jasper Sharp
Talk with Manfred Wakolbinger

M – Münchendorf

Landing – Graz

Tongues – Smolka Contemporary, Wien

stop-over – Kunsthaus Mürz, Mürzzuschlag

Einzelpräsentation- Smolka Contemporary, Wien

Inhale – Exhale – Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig

Nothing to Hide

Die Eroberung – Wien

Kunstparcour Millstatt – Floss im Millstätter See und Villa am Kap

Galaxies 08

Galaxies 07





Galaxies 06

Galaxies 05

Loop Galaxies 1-4

Kontinuität und Brüche – Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus

verbindet – pulsiert – ermöglicht – Galerie Forum, Wels

Blickachsen 11 – Skulpturen in Bad Homburg und Frankfurt RheinMain

Andere Welten – Eva Schlegel und Manfred Wakolbinger – Grenzkunst-Halle, Jennersdorf


art_box Museumsquartier

Stampede – Neuhaus/Museum Liaunig

Circulations – Wien

Wasteland – Galerie Artemons Contemporary, Hellmonsödt


Giardini – Graz

Voyage – Neunkirchen

Chat – Wien

Vienna for Art’s Sake! – Winterpalais des Belvederes, Wien


Cloud – Wiener Neustadt

4muerz2beat – Kunsthaus Mürz, Mürzzuschlag

Minioper Inside Out


Galaxy 0
Manfred Wakolbinger
Under the Surface
August Ruhs
As if it fell to Earth
Brigitte Huck
Up from the Skies
Alexandra Schantl
Talk with Manfred Wakolbinger

Bench and Gate – St. Pölten

Placements + Galaxies – Kunsthaus Saalfelden

Up from the Skies – ZEIT KUNST Niederösterreich, Krems

Körpergehäuse/Animated Body

Lightning – Wien

Franz Graf, Eva Schlegel, Manfred Wakolbinger – Galerie Fotohof

Austria Davaj! Der Gipfel des kreativen Österreichs – Schusev State Museum, Moskau

Desert Flights





Rendez-Vous – Leobersdorf

Verbeugung – Kirche St. Wolfgang




Receiver – St. Pölten

Einzelpräsentation – Stadtgalerie Klagenfurt

Einzelpräsentation – Hipphalle, Gmunden


Strömung – Museum Kuppersmühle Duisburg

Transformator – Linz

Peter Noever
Below Point Zero of Art
David Espinosa
Seven–Tenths Inspiration, Three–Tenths Fascination

Ohne Titel – Perg

Ohne Titel – Krems Stein
Elisabeth Schlebrügge
Close to the Surface

Ohne Titel – Wien

Ohne Titel – Wien

Ohne Titel Linz

Ohne Titel

Sputnik – 20er Haus & Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien
Rainer Fuchs
Embodiments of space
Lóránd Hegyi
Sculpture as an objectification of relationality
Hans-Werner Schmidt
Wakolbinger’s Art Figures
Brigitte Huck
Sputniks, UFOs and other extraterrestrials


La Coesistenza dell’ Arte – Biennale di Venezia

Einzelpräsentation – Galerie Gritta Insam, Wien

Schausammlung Museum für angewandte Kunst (MAK), Wien

Three Staele with Different Head Parts

Einzelpräsentation – Museum Moderner Kunst, Palais Liechtenstein, Wien

Glas Kupfer

Einzelpräsentation – Galerie Gritta Insam, Wien
Peter Sloterdijk
Poetics of Detachment

documenta8, Kassel

Innen und Aussen

Stuart Morgan
The limits of selfhood

Der Anfang